Black History Magazines: Magazine (and Book) Cover Illustrations by Aaron Douglas

Aaron Douglas was an artist and muralist who came to fame during the years of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s-30s. Although he’s most known today for his paintings, he did a lot of illustration work back in the day for various book covers and magazines, especially The Crisis and Opportunity, as well as the cover of the legendary 1926 publication of Fire!!. Here are some favorite Aaron Douglas magazine and book covers.

(Above): Fire!!, 1926

02-opportunity-june-26Opportunity, June 1926

03-screen-shot-2017-02-14-at-9-51-44-pmFor Freedom, by Arthur Huff Fauset (book cover)

04-opportunity-feb-26Opportunity, February 1926

05-tumblr_o1zi29nzae1qktgoyo3_1280Not Without Laughter, by Langston Hughes (book cover)

06-all3The Crisis, September 1927

07-timthumbHome to Harlem, by Claude McKay (book cover)

08-crisis_may1928-allThe Crisis, May 1928



11-screen-shot-2017-02-14-at-9-51-00-pmThe American Negro (book cover)

12-all2The Crisis, Xmas 1926


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Jet, 1950s

Jet, 1960s

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