Creating the Most Compelling Cover Concepts
Greg Dool of Foliomag.com interviewed me and Matt Strelecki, creative director at Meredith Agrimedia, about “what goes into covers that build audience relationships and move brands forward.” The resulting story, Creating the Most Compelling Cover Concepts, has a good list of tips for magazine makers and designers who are interested in improving their overall cover design and sharpening their brand aesthetic.
Some of the tips include:
Consider the Whole Package: “Every element of the cover should be considered part of your brand, whether it’s the picture, the headline writing, the typeface, the color, the logo.”
Be Clear in Your Message: “Covers do not need to serve as abridged tables of contents. The less obscured the singular, main message is, the better.”
Be Willing to Fail: “Learn from past successes and failures, but avoid falling into the trap of constantly repeating successful cover concepts to the point that readers lose interest.”