Nov 13, 2014

min’s Editorial & Design Awards

New York City

I’ll be a guest presenter at the min Editorial & Design Awards, November 19 at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. The awards honor magazines and individuals that “showed excellence in content and design among consumer, business-to-business and specialized information media brands.”

In addition to announcing a big batch of awards for print and digital publications, the event will also honor the min 2014 Editorial & Design Hall of Fame. Honorees include John Korpics, Creative Director, ESPN Print and Digital Media; Bill Marr, Creative Director, National Geographic; Fred Woodward, Design Director, GQ; Sam Viviano, Art Director, Mad; and more.

The keynote speaker at the event will be Cheryl Brown, editor-in-chief of Allrecipes.

More information and registration for the min Editorial & Design Awards.