Audubon Magazine’s Illustrated Aviary

The Illustrated Aviary is a regular inside back page feature in the bimonthly Audubon magazine. Launched last year by creative director Kevin Fisher, each issue features a different, high-level illustrator reimagining John James Audubon‘s famous “Birds of North America” paintings.  The page includes a brief interview with the illustrator discussing the creative process, as well […]

My Favo(u)rite Magazine Visits Artist and Illustrator Studios

Copies of My Favo(u)rite Magazine have been traveling around the world and settling in the studios and offices of artists and illustrators! Here’s a collection of photographs of My Favo(u)rite Magazine taken in Toronto, Barcelona, Brooklyn, and more, on illustrators’ desks and drawing tables. My Favo(u)rite Magazine is the benefit project created by Jeremy Leslie […]