The Art of Political Caricature on Magazine Covers, 1960-76
If you’re as stressed-out as we are from the current political campaign, here’s an antidote. Julie Mihaly (Boom Underground) and myself (Newmanology) have collected a big set of images of 1960s-70s politicians, and are posting them daily on our Facebook and Tumblr pages. It’s a rich collection of campaign goodies, including comic books, posters, buttons, photographs, and general fun political merchandise (Spiro Agnew mouthwash, JFK bubblegum cards, a Barry Goldwater coloring book). And of course, there are many brilliant vintage magazine covers, featuring illustrated portraits by a great selection of artists. We’ve collected some of our favorites here, with illustrated portraits by Paul Davis, Ben Shahn, David Levine, David Stone Martin, Andy Warhol, Norman Rockwell, and more.
(Above): Newsweek, November 12, 1973. Illustration of Richard Nixon by Robert V. Engle