American Illustration Profiles Interview: Katherine Streeter
Katherine Streeter is a painter, collagist, and illustrator whose work appears in numerous magazines and publications and has been displayed in galleries, on product design, and much more. A former staff illustrator at Salon.com, she creates rich visual imagery that has the ability to explain complex issues in quiet, simple tones. Streeter’s artwork is a cool mix of photo collage, painting and hand lettering. She makes her illustrations “using a combination of traditional and digital work;” the result is an old school, hand-hewn look that feels very crafted and intimate.
“Stay focused on finding your creative voice” is Streeter’s advice to up-and-coming artists. Streeter obviously has taken her own advice—she is a powerful and original creative talent. Streeter’s work is currently on display at the Raised by Foxes show at FOE Gallery in Northampton, Massachusetts, along with art by Martha Rich, Gina Triplett and Matt Curtius.
Katherine Streeter is the subject of my latest American Illustration Profiles interview. See the full interview here.