magCulture Podcast #5
London/New York
You can catch my favorite magazine moment of the year on the magCulture Podcast #5, available via Soundcloud. Hosted by Jeremy Leslie and Liv Siddall, and recorded at the magCulture Shop, the show features 10 magazine smarties sharing their year-end best. Included in the podcast is wisdom from Steven Gregor (Gym Class), Steve Watson (Stack), Kirsten Algera (MacGuffin), Ian Birch (‘Uncovered’), Perrin Drumm (Eye on Design), Fernando Pacheco (Monocle24 The Stack), Indi Davies (Lecture in Progress), Rod Stanley (Good Trouble), Richard Turley (Interview, Civilization, Good Trouble), and me (Robert Newman, Newmanology). There’s lots of interest for anyone involved in any aspect of publication creation. [My highlight of the year was the ModMag New York event!]