Nov 18, 2016
Jan 3, 2016
Jan 2, 2016

: Judging for the Alberta Magazine Awards, Calgary, Alberta

In January I’ll be judging a design and art direction category for the Alberta Magazine Awards. Sponsored by the Alberta Magazine Publishers Association, this is one of Canada’s most vibrant publishing awards, featuring top-notch magazines from Calgary, Edmonton, and places in-between. Finalists will be announced in February, and winners will be honored at the AMPA […]

Dec 4, 2015

: Judging for the ASME National Magazine Awards, New York City

On January 6 and 7 I’ll be a judge for the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) National Magazine Awards. Over 300 editors, educators, art directors, photo editors, and more will gather to judge the best magazine journalism, design, photography, and overall excellence. It takes place at the Columbia Journalism School in New York City; […]

Oct 8, 2015

: MIN Editorial & Design Hall of Fame, New York City

Robert Newman will be inducted in the min Editorial & Design Hall of Fame at their annual awards breakfast on November 18 in New York City. The Hall of Fame inductees are described as “These individuals are the creative, unique and talented powerhouses of the media industry. They have set the benchmarks for storytelling, news […]

Aug 16, 2015

: Judging for the 2015 Ozzie Awards, New York City

During the month of August, I’ll judging several categories of the 2015 Folio Ozzie magazine design awards. Along with the Eddie editorial awards, the Ozzies are part of “the most prestigious awards competition in magazine media.” Winners will be announced at the annual awards luncheon on October 19 in New York City.