Elvis Is Alive!
Although Elvis Presley died in 1977, the tabloid Weekly World News spent many years trying to convince people that he was still alive. They published a series of covers that featured “exclusive” photos and interviews with the King, as well as the shocking expose that “Elvis’ Tomb Is Empty!” Apparently Elvis sightings have diminished in recent years, but the Weekly World News left us with a treasure trove of classic Elvis Presley covers that are the perfect way to celebrate his 79th birthday, on January 8. Here are 10 of our favorites.
Elvis Seen at Graceland! August 16, 2003
Elvis Tells Lisa Marie: Divorce Michael! September 6, 1994
Elvis Is Alive! May 27, 2003
Elvis’ Tomb Is Empty! July 24, 1990
Elvis Breaks Leg in Motorcycle Crash! July 28, 1992
Elvis: I’m Coming Home! December 31, 1991
An interview with Elvis—alive and well at 61. November 19, 1996
Elvis Photo Taken Just Days Ago! August 13, 1991
Elvis Marries…Just Days Ago! August 25, 1992