African American Literature Great collection of book covers from the Harlem Renaissance to Black Arts and black power movements
The Book Cover Archive Essential collection of contemporary book cover design
Hang Fire Books Thousands of vintage hard boiled and steamy sex paperbacks, with cover artist credits
Judging Books By Their Covers 250+ blog posts on crime, left wing, anarchist, African, black power & more
New York Public Library Digital Collection of over 2500 book jackets, circa 1900-1950
Penguin & Pelican Collection Brilliant collection of UK paperback covers; great graphics & typography
Pulp Covers Over 1000 vintage pulp magazine and paperback book covers, lovingly displayed
SWallace99’s Photostream Amazing set of 1000s of vintage paperback covers, organized by illustrator
UK Vintage The ultimate 1940s-50s paperback book cover archive. Wow!
Vintage Paperbacks 1 1950s-70s, hundreds of delights, many European covers
Vintage Paperbacks 2 800+ classic covers
Vintage Sci-Fi Paperbacks 1950s-70s paperback covers, with credits