The Big Talk: Photography and Illustration Panel Discussion
One of my favorite design projects that I worked on this past year was art directing and producing the American Photography 30 book. In conjunction with that project, I was asked to moderate a panel at The Big Talk, the day-long session of illustration and photography panels on November 5, 2014, organized by American Photography and American Illustration director Mark Heflin to celebrate the release of both books. My panel featured a selection of judges from both books, including Marti Golon, art director of Reader’s Digest, Chris Dixon, design director of Vanity Fair, photographer Wyatt Gallery, Gallery at Hermes curator Cory Jacobs, and Nautilus art director (and American Illustration 33 book designer) Len Small. We talked for about an hour in the SVA Theatre in New York City about illustration and photography, how art directors make assignments, changes in technology and styles of work, and much more. Thanks to the AI-AP folks, you can now watch the entire event!